Worker Voices

Home Care Aide Tamara works with a Consumer who has never served a day in the military, but her experience with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is no...

Today I decided it was warm enough to take my son and walk outside for a while. He cannot really walk, he uses a wheelchair. We started up a road in our town,...

For Northwest Home Care Aides engaged in the hard work of caring for Consumers, moments and months and years can have a way of blending into one another. But...

There are long-held beliefs of reservations as the middle of nowhere, something to avoid. But they are really heroic places. The Colville Reservation in...

In October 2014, Columbus Day was not honored in Seattle. Instead, the Seattle City Council introduced Indigenous Peoples’ Day in remembrance of both the...

At an SEIU 775 executive board meeting about a year and a half ago, board members were discussing gay union members and consumers, and a member asked if...

When Home Care Aide Sun Benjamin was just 23, shopping with her friend on the crowded streets in Seoul, South Korea, a young American man drove up on a...

Spotlight on Korea

Korea has contributed an impressive immigrant population to the United States. But few Americans are aware of Korean history, which is affected by...

Like many Home Care Aides, Anna Rudova traveled thousands of miles to come to the U.S. to start a new life. Leaving behind her home country of Russia and a...

My son, Zach, began working in the library in middle school as a TA for one of his electives (he was in an inclusive environment except for his academics). One...