Posts Tagged ‘Skills’

Home Care Instructor Christy Narvaez has an infectious enthusiasm felt by learners and clients alike. Christy, also an advanced training graduate,...

As a home care aide for her 35-year-old grandson Paul, Nancy Cook has mastered the art of providing specialized, compassionate care. (Pictured above, Nancy...

I’ve always been an overachiever,” says Rhayne White, a Home Care Aide in Spokane. So when the opportunity to get more training through the SEIU 775...

Have you ever let that half bunch of parsley go bad in your fridge before you could use it? Or splurged on a $5 bag of basil to make pesto? Save money...

Parent Provider Pat Rowen often found herself changing sheets in the middle of the night after her consumer had nighttime accidents. Instead of having to...

Shopping totes are so convenient but they never fit well on the back of wheelchairs. They hang awkwardly because they have to be turned sideways. Handles are...

Putting on and removing gloves are one of the first skills you learn as a Home Care Aide. But can you unscramble the steps below?

For Northwest Home Care Aides engaged in the hard work of caring for Consumers, moments and months and years can have a way of blending into one another. But...

By the year 2060, America’s population will look different than it does today. It will be older, and more racially and ethnically diverse, according to the...

At an SEIU 775 executive board meeting about a year and a half ago, board members were discussing gay union members and consumers, and a member asked if...